If you’ve been affected by hate crime, you can access support from a number of organisations tailored to the type of abuse you have suffered.
The Police Commissioner funds national charity Stop Hate UK to provide independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties of hate crime. Find out more about Stop Hate UK
If you don't want to call the police, for any reason, Stop Hate UK can provide extra support.
Stop Hate UK is available 24 hours a day. The helpline is confidential and independent.
You can report a hate crime by:
- Telephone on 0800 138 1625
- Text: 07717 989 025
- Text relay: 18001 0113 293 5100
- Webchat at https://www.stophateuk.org/talk-to-us/
Information about reporting hate crimes and about the Stop Hate Line is available form the charity in:
- English and more than 40 languages
- in large print and Braille
- in words and pictures
- as audio
- in British Sign Language
A number of Stop Hate Line operators speak other languages. If a caller wants to speak a language other than English, they need to tell the operator in English their name, phone number and the name of the language they speak. An interpreter will then call them back, usually within 72 hours.
People who contact the Stop Hate Line can remain anonymous if they wish and their contact details will only be shared with their consent.
Victims of hate crime can access tailored support according to the type of hate crime they experience:
- Racial or religious hate crime - this support service is delivered by the Anthony Walker Foundation (AWF). AWF delivers specialist counselling and support for victims;
- Disability hate crime - provided by charity Daisy Inclusive UK. Daisy UK have a dedicated hate crime officer who supports victims from the point of contact through to support and guidance through the judicial system, if required. Daisy UK also provide a safe place for victims and their families to visit and a community of support.
- LGBTQ+ hate crime - this support service is delivered by Citizens Advice Liverpool. They provide support for any victim of LGBTQ+ hate crime, as well as offering advice on practical issues such as housing, debt, benefits, employment and social support. They can also help you to make a report to the police if you wish, understand your rights, liaise with organisations and help you to access specialist support services such as counselling.